

Coaching is provided

I provide coaching in three areas, contact me if you are interested in any of these.

Deep to Deep

The practice of solitude and silence before God is an important part of a healthy spiritual life. I host silent retreats to introduce you to the practice of silence and solitude before God. Join this mailing list to hear from us about our next retreat dates. 

Life Rhythms

I work with women who want to thrive in their professional careers and personally to clarify your values and goals. Instead of chasing the elusive myth of balance, you will thrive and build a life that you enjoy and are proud of. This is inspired by my personal mantra that women should be anything we choose to be in this life and the only restraint to our achievements should be our choice.To book a free 45 mins session click here

This is a coaching program for children and young adults to prepare them for success. Driven by my belief that The feet cannot tread where the mind has not once lived. This coaching program is aimed at helping children and young adults dream and aim for the best possible outcome for their lives. Dr Dudu is available for pro-bono work with children and young adults who cannot afford the coaching fees.